Ideas For How To Practice Virtual Yoga With Your Children

3 min readMar 25, 2020

With the current times and this global pandemic everything is moving online and kids yoga is no exception. Below is a list of ways that you can practice kids yoga without going to a studio.


Cosmic kids yoga is a GREAT website to watch kids yoga. I love that they have the classes with fun themes (e.g., trolls etc.) and they are developmentally appropriate time wise (15 mins<) depending on the age of your child/children. A challenge I have for you is to participate in the yoga class with your kids. I find that kids yoga is more fun than adult yoga! Plus, it will allow you to bond with your kids while learning calming techniques that you might have missed : )

Instagram is also a great resource to find donation based virtual yoga studios/classes. This is the studio that I took my kids yoga teacher training from (based in San Diego, CA) and I highly recommend their classes.


Here is an example of a 45 min kids yoga class that I created feel free to use it and follow me on Spotify to find more kids yoga music. Try-out practicing yoga with your kids to help them (& you) during COVID-19!

Movement Cards

There are so many cool yoga movement cards for kids. I was gifted my first set of movement cards from a good friend when I worked at a preschool in San Diego (Ms. Jay if you are reading this I adore you!) called St. Peter’s Preschool. These are the two set of cards that I use the most, but there are many more that are just as awesome, you can just Google yoga cards and they should pop up.

Kids Cards — Mindful
Yoga Cards Pretzels — Movement


Read a book… here are some great ones that I have bought or have been given. Thanks, St. Peter’s Preschool families (you know who you are)!! I have also copied a link where you can just listen to the book read aloud there is also a song that goes along with the first book. There is your kids yoga class!

Just, read the book/watch it on Youtube. And then listen to the song.

  1. I am Yoga by Susan Verde
  2. You are a Lion (and other fun yoga poses) by Taeeun Yoo
  3. Breathe Like a Bear by Kira Willey
  4. The Yoga Game Game by the Sea by Kathy Beliveau

What are some other fun virtual ways you are practicing yoga/mindfulness with your families/children? Tell me in the comment box below!






Hello, friends :0 My name is Lara and I am “an SLP to be” I will be attending graduate school in the fall of 2021 & I will be writing about how to be an SLP!